My friend,
Kristy Robinett, and I have been working on a special project for a few years now and this past February we found out that it's going to be published.
The Higher Intuitions Oracle Deck will be released sometime in Spring of 2012. This is extremely exciting for me (and I think Kristy too). It will be the biggest published project that I've ever been a part of.
There is a LOT of work involved in illustrating an oracle deck though. I sort of went into this thinking that all the images would come easily, that I could crank them out one after another and that they would all be perfect the first time.
I'm thankful for a deadline that is still a few months away. I've re-done cards, had artist's block, gotten pregnant, bought a Renaissance Festival shoppe, sacrificed time with my family and friends and have rendered myself completely unavailable in several capacities. At this point the deck is well on it's way to 3/4 complete, which sounds like a lot, but that means I still have quite a few cards left to complete.
The Oracle will be a deck of 44 cards with a book.
I've decided to share some of the Oracle images here. Several are available as prints, ceramic tile art, scent lockets, mouse pads and other miscellaneous items at my shop at the Michigan Renaissance Festival and are all slowly-but-surely being added to my website: and more can be seen at my
Facebook page.
Believe - Unicorn |
Build Your Wings - Butterfly |
Moonlight - Crab |
Let It Be - Hedgehog |
Be Strong - Lion |
Strut Your Stuff - Peacock |
Soar - Pegasus |
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